Elections using the Results of Italian Lottery

Results of the Italian Lotto

Italy has several lotto extractions in each region. They are traditionally named after the cities they take place in. This list puts them in alphabetic order, completed with the so-called "national" extraction. When applying lotto results to elections it is necessary to previously establish which day's lotto results are to be used and inserted into this table. This could be adapted to also include lotto extractions from other countries.

Number of winners to extract from the candidates:

Insert here, one per line, the list of candidates to extract from. They will be ordered alphabetically automatically.


None yet.

The extraction algorithm is implemented in Javascript in this web page itself. You can inspect it with your browser's "View Source" function. You don't need to understand it, however. For you to obtain a verifiable proof that the algorithm is operating correctly, you need to save this page to your computer's hard disk *before* the lotto extraction has taken place. Then, to be sure this page isn't cheating, disconnect from the Internet, load this page back into your web browser using the "Open file" function, insert the list of candidates and lotto numbers and compare the results with the public ones. They should be identical.